Package | |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Status | draft |
Name | DentalCareProcedureEventDentalCare |
Title | DentalCare - Procedure Event Dental Care |
Experimental | False |
Description | Therapeutic or diagnostic procedure undergone by the patient (the complementary profile [nl-core-Procedure-request]( |
Purpose | A copied profile from zib-Procedure to provide a version better suited for implementation purposes of the Dental Care use case. |
Type | Procedure |
Kind | resource |
No resources found
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
"id" : "DentalCare-ProcedureEvent",
"text" : {
"status" : "empty",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\">No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.</div>"
"url" : "",
"name" : "DentalCareProcedureEventDentalCare",
"title" : "DentalCare - Procedure Event Dental Care",
"status" : "draft",
"publisher" : "Medmij",
"contact" : [
"name" : "MedMij",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "email",
"value" : "",
"use" : "work"
"description" : "Therapeutic or diagnostic procedure undergone by the patient (the complementary profile [nl-core-Procedure-request](<>) can be used for therapeutic or diagnostics procedures that the patient will undergo). A procedure can be a simple blood pressure measurement, but also a complex heart surgery.\r\nIn some care settings, the term treatment is used instead of the term procedure.",
"purpose" : "A copied profile from zib-Procedure to provide a version better suited for implementation purposes of the Dental Care use case.",
"fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib Procedure-v5.2(2020EN)"
"identity" : "zib-textresult-v4.4-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib TextResult-v4.4(2020EN)"
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "zib MedicalDevice-v3.3.1(2020EN)"
"kind" : "resource",
"abstract" : false,
"type" : "Procedure",
"baseDefinition" : "",
"derivation" : "constraint",
"differential" : {
"element" : [
"id" : "Procedure",
"path" : "Procedure",
"comment" : "The Procedure is mapped both to this Procedure profile and a profile on ServiceRequest (<>) to align with the intention of FHIR. All past procedures are covered using this Procedure resource, while all future procedures, including the advised procedures, are covered in the ServiceRequest resource. Both resources contain the zib mappings, with the exception of the Requester concept; this is not relevant for past procedures and has only been mapped to the ServiceRequest profile.\r\n\r\nThe planned and performed procedures can be linked using `Procedure.basedOn`.",
"alias" : [
"id" : "Procedure.extension:procedureMethod",
"path" : "Procedure.extension",
"sliceName" : "procedureMethod",
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension",
"profile" : [
"id" : "Procedure.basedOn",
"path" : "Procedure.basedOn",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Procedure.status",
"path" : "Procedure.status",
"definition" : "This element is implictly mapped to the zib concepts ProcedureStartDate (NL-CM:14.1.2) and ProcedureEndDate (NL-CM:14.1.3). Unless the status is explicitly recorded, the following guidance applies:\r\n\r\n* When the ProcedureStartDate is in the future, `.status` will usually be set to _preparation_.\r\n* When ProcedureStartDate is in the past and ProcedureEndDate is in the future, `.status` will usually be set to _in-progress_.\r\n* When ProcedureEndDate is in the past, `.status` will usually be set to _completed_.\r\n* When ProcedureStartDate is in the past and ProcedureEndDate is missing, it may be assumed that the Procedure was recorded as a point in time and `.status` will usually be set to _completed_.\r\n* When a system is unable to infer the status from the ProcedureStartDate and ProcedureEndDate , `.status` will be set to _unknown_. The _unknown_ code is not to be used to convey other statuses. The _unknown_ code should be used when one of the statuses applies, but the authoring system doesn't know the current state of the Procedure.",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.2",
"comment" : "ProcedureStartDate (implicit, main mapping is on Procedure.performedPeriod.start and Procedure.performedDateTime)"
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.3",
"comment" : "ProcedureEndDate (implicit, main mapping is on Procedure.performedPeriod.end)"
"id" : "Procedure.code",
"path" : "Procedure.code",
"short" : "ProcedureType",
"definition" : "The name of the procedure. the Care activities file dental care (NZa)",
"alias" : [
"binding" : {
"strength" : "extensible",
"valueSet" : ""
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.4",
"comment" : "ProcedureType"
"id" : "Procedure.subject",
"path" : "Procedure.subject",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"id" : "Procedure.performed[x]:performedPeriod",
"path" : "Procedure.performed[x]",
"sliceName" : "performedPeriod",
"type" : [
"code" : "Period"
"id" : "Procedure.performed[x]:performedPeriod.start",
"path" : "Procedure.performed[x].start",
"short" : "ProcedureStartDate",
"definition" : "The start date (and if possible start time) of the procedure. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted. The element offers the option to indicate the start of the period of a series of related procedures.",
"comment" : "If the zib Procedure concerns a procedure performed over a period, `Procedure.performedPeriod.start` and `Procedure.performedPeriod.end` are used to represent zib concepts ProcedureStartDate and ProcedureEndDate. For instantaneous or very short lasting procedures, `Procedure.performedDateTime` is used for ProcedureStartDate (ProcedureEndDate doesn't have a meaning in this case; ProcedureStartDate is the moment the procedure is performed).",
"alias" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.2",
"comment" : "ProcedureStartDate"
"id" : "Procedure.performed[x]:performedPeriod.end",
"path" : "Procedure.performed[x].end",
"short" : "ProcedureEndDate",
"definition" : "The end date (and if possible end time) of the procedure. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted. The element offers the option to indicate the end of the period of a series of related procedures. The end date element is only used for a procedures that takes some time and is then always applied. If the procedure still continues, the value is left empty.",
"comment" : "If the zib Procedure concerns a procedure performed over a period, `Procedure.performedPeriod.start` and `Procedure.performedPeriod.end` are used to represent zib concepts ProcedureStartDate and ProcedureEndDate. For instantaneous or very short lasting procedures, `Procedure.performedDateTime` is used for ProcedureStartDate (ProcedureEndDate doesn't have a meaning in this case; ProcedureStartDate is the moment the procedure is performed).",
"alias" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.3",
"comment" : "ProcedureEndDate"
"id" : "Procedure.performed[x]:performedDateTime",
"path" : "Procedure.performed[x]",
"sliceName" : "performedDateTime",
"short" : "ProcedureStartDate",
"definition" : "The (desired) start date (and if possible start time) of the procedure. A âvagueâ date, such as only the year, is permitted. `performedDateTime` is used for instantaneous or very short lasting procedures.",
"comment" : "If the zib Procedure concerns a procedure performed over a period, `Procedure.performedPeriod.start` and `Procedure.performedPeriod.end` are used to represent zib concepts ProcedureStartDate and ProcedureEndDate. For instantaneous or very short lasting procedures, `Procedure.performedDateTime` is used for ProcedureStartDate (ProcedureEndDate doesn't have a meaning in this case; ProcedureStartDate is the moment the procedure is performed).",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "dateTime"
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.2",
"comment" : "ProcedureStartDate"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "Performer",
"definition" : "The healthcare provider who carried out or will carry out the procedure. In most cases, only the medical specialty is entered, and not the name of the healthcare provider.",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"profile" : [
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.6",
"comment" : "Performer"
"id" : "Procedure.location",
"path" : "Procedure.location",
"short" : "Location",
"definition" : "The healthcare center where the procedure was, is or or will be carried out.",
"comment" : "Please note that the zib concept Location::HealthcareProvider of zib MedicalDevice (NL-CM:10.1.8) is mapped onto this element, but it is also directly represented using a custom extension in the focal profile for that zib ([nl-core-MedicalDevice]( The reason for this is that the Location concept from zib MedicalDevice aligns with the Location concept from zib Procedure, but only for the situation that the Procedure is about placing an implant which is described using the instance of zib MedicalDevice. In this situation, the extension in the nl-core-MedicalDevice profile is redundant and it is advised to only use the current element to represent the Location concept.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.5",
"comment" : "Location"
"identity" : "zib-medicaldevice-v3.3.1-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:10.1.8",
"comment" : "Location (For specific situations only. See the comment on this element for more information.)"
"id" : "Procedure.reasonReference",
"path" : "Procedure.reasonReference",
"short" : "Indication",
"definition" : "The indication is the reason for the procedure.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.9",
"comment" : "Indication"
"id" : "Procedure.bodySite",
"path" : "Procedure.bodySite",
"short" : "Location / ProcedureAnatomicalLocation",
"definition" : "Anatomical location which is the focus of the procedure.",
"alias" : [
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "CodeableConcept",
"profile" : [
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-procedure-v5.2-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.1.13",
"comment" : "ProcedureAnatomicalLocation"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "profile",
"path" : "resolve()"
"rules" : "open"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"sliceName" : "textResult",
"short" : "TextResult",
"comment" : "The direction of the reference between zibs TextResult and Procedure is reversed in FHIR. Therefore the concept Procedure (NL-CM:13.2.5) of zib TextResult is mapped to this element.\r\n\r\nPlease note that on a functional level, zib TextResult references zib Procedure, but in FHIR this direction is reversed.",
"alias" : [
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : [
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "zib-textresult-v4.4-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:13.2.5",
"comment" : "Reversed reference for zib TextResult.Procedure"
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.